16 Weeks of Pregnancy

When pregnant women reach 16 weeks of pregnancy, they are in the 4th month of pregnancy and this means that the anxiety of seeing their baby soon increases more and more every day.

In addition, the changes in the pregnant woman’s body become increasingly clear, making everyone around you already begin to notice that you are pregnant. This is, in fact, one of the most enjoyable periods of pregnancy! 😊

Want to know what else happens during 16 weeks of pregnancy? So read on! In this post, we’ve gathered the main events and symptoms of this period for you to stay on top of. Check out!

Symptoms at 16 Weeks of Pregnancy

By 16 weeks of pregnancy, it is very likely that most of the symptoms of early pregnancy are gone, making the pregnant woman feel better. However, this period of pregnancy has some peculiarities and with it some new symptoms appear.

Oh, but don’t forget: even if you experience any symptoms that don’t appear on this list during this gestational phase, don’t worry: most of the time this doesn’t represent any serious problem. Each woman has her own body and these symptoms can vary.

See below for the most common symptoms of the 16th week of pregnancy:

tiredness without apparent cause

Did you feel tired while taking a little walk around the house? These could be the effects of pregnancy hormones, which eventually cause fluid to settle in the lungs, making it difficult to breathe deeply.

Our tip is that you get used to it because, as the uterus enlarges and presses on the diaphragm, this symptom tends to increase.

increased appetite

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, it is common for you to feel your appetite increased and, therefore, you will start to eat more. It is important to be careful about the food you eat so that your weight does not change too much and to ensure that your health and that of your baby is not affected.

frequent urination

This symptom will remain frequent during this period of pregnancy and, like tiredness, will remain in the next few weeks. with this, make it a habit to urinate sporadically and avoid excessive consumption of liquids before going to bed so that you don’t have to wake up many times during the night to pee.

Back pain

This is another symptom that tends to last for the next few weeks due to the pressure of the pregnant woman’s belly and to relieve it you should do some exercises such as: Pilates, yoga, stretching and, besides, keep yourself rested as much as possible.

breast tenderness

If you have felt breast tenderness at any time before, we have to tell you: this symptom will return. Or if you haven’t felt it yet, it’s very likely that during the 16th week of pregnancy you start to feel it.

This is explained by hormones produced during pregnancy and in the body’s response to the milk production process. Remember to wear bras and loose, comfortable blouses so that this symptom doesn’t bother you so much, okay?

Changes in the pregnant woman’s body at 16 weeks of pregnancy

Well, at 16 weeks of pregnancy, the apparent change in women involves mainly the appearance and sensitivity of the breasts. In addition, it is already possible to notice a volume and bulge in the belly, causing some people to be suspicious of pregnancy.

But it is noteworthy that these symptoms are very personal and that in some women the pregnant belly takes longer to appear, a completely common situation and in most cases it is not to be worried about.

Anyway, see your doctor to check the evolution of your pregnancy and so he can give you a forecast about the development of your belly, ok?!

How is the development of the fetus going at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

By the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby’s organs are fully formed, but they continue to develop and mature. And some of its main features are:

  • Your heartbeat is strong and your muscles are active;
  • The skin becomes pinker, although it is still slightly transparent;
  • It is now possible to observe the entire skeleton;
  • The nails are already being formed;
  • In the case of girls, the ovaries already produce eggs and around this week, the little girl has an average of 4 million eggs formed.

What is the size of the fetus at week 16 of gestation?

The approximate size of the fetus at 16 weeks of pregnancy is 11.6 cm, compared to the size of a peach. And its weight is around 100 grams.

When does mom start feeling the first kicks?

As the days of pregnancy go by, it is quite common for moms to become more and more anxious waiting for the baby’s first kicks. However, what we can say is that these movements already happen, but it is not yet possible to be felt by the mother.

Chances are you don’t feel this sensation until the 20th to the 24th week, which is when the uterus starts to protrude into the abdomen near the navel.

Is it necessary to perform a urine test during prenatal care?

When we talk about exams during pregnancy, it is very common to immediately remember the ultrasound. Which is obviously not wrong, this is in fact the most usual and routine examination of the entire pregnancy.

However, what many people may not know is that there are some complementary exams that the obstetrician can order to assess the health of the pregnant woman and/or the baby, as is the case of the urine exam during pregnancy.

The urine test is done to determine whether or not there is the presence of any problem that affects the urinary and renal system of the pregnant woman, factors that can influence her pregnancy.

Its collection is simple, painless and does not cause any harm to the fetus. Type 1 tests, urine cultures or 24-hour tests may be requested, and it is necessary to follow the instructions and preparation for each one of them.

Medicines vs. pregnancy: are there any restrictions?

The answer to that question is… NO DOUBT!

If there is something that deserves extra care during pregnancy, it is the use of medication. No matter how simple or harmless it may seem, or even those that are in continuous use and prescribed by a doctor, they should be re-evaluated by your obstetrician to verify that they do not harm the fetus. So, be very careful and do not self-medicate during pregnancy, ok?!

Care needed during 16 weeks of pregnancy

If you reached 16 weeks of pregnancy, it certainly indicates that everything has been going very well. However, in order for it to continue like this, it is necessary that you do not neglect it and continue to be as careful as possible.

To help you with this, we have separated some tips for you to follow during this week. Check it out:

  • Extra care with your diet: most likely you already know that it is essential to have a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy, but… As during the 16th week of pregnancy you will have an increased appetite, you will probably want to get out of the routine and have a good time. in various delights. So, be very careful and stay firm in your diet so that you don’t get hurt with the scales and with illnesses caused by poor nutrition that can harm not only your health but also your baby’s health;
  • Keeping an eye on clothes: as mentioned earlier, you will already notice your breasts are enlarged and sensitive and with that you will need looser and more comfortable clothes. So this could be a great week to get new wardrobe items! Searching for specific stores for pregnant women can be a good option, since the clothes, in addition to being comfortable, will be “your face!”;
  • Be careful with heels: the use of high heels during pregnancy may be contraindicated due to the high risk of imbalance and falling, which can lead to injuries and risks for pregnancy. Therefore, when choosing what to wear, also opt for more comfortable shoes that won’t offer you any risks;
  • Write down your doubts: did you have any doubts about an event or symptom? Make it a habit to write it down in a notebook on your cell phone so that at your next appointment with your doctor you can clarify it.
  • Don’t miss appointments: at 16 weeks of pregnancy, you’ve certainly started your prenatal care and your doctor has already forecast the next appointments. Put a reminder on your cell phone and already schedule yourself to be present on the scheduled dates so that there are no unforeseen events at the scheduled times. Remember: pregnancy monitoring is extremely important for your baby’s health!

Well, now that you know everything that happens at 16 weeks of pregnancy, it’s time to take the necessary precautions to ensure that everything will be fine with you and your baby during the gestational period.

In case of doubts about the subject, be sure to comment on this post so we can clarify it. Otherwise, keep following our blog for more information about pregnancy week by week.

See you here in our next posts!

Dr. Tabriella Perivolaris, MD1
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Dr. Tabriella Perivolaris, Sara's mother and fan of fashion, beauty, motherhood, among others, about the female universe. Since 2018 she has been working as a copywriter, always bringing to her articles a little of her experience and experience as a mother and woman.

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